Monday 23 February 2009

Preparation for Exorcism

The priest delegated by the Ordinary to perform this office should first go to confession or at least elicit an act of contrition, and, if convenient, offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and implore God's help in other fervent prayers. He vests in surplice and purple stole. Having before him the person possessed (who should be bound if there is any danger), he traces the sign of the cross over him, over himself, and the bystanders, and then sprinkles all of them with holy water.
After this he kneels and proceeds. Accoutrements includes a crucifix, holy water and the Host, but other less familiar items might be deemed necessary for a particular form of contamination. Exorcism is a solemn and serious matter which cannot begin to be compared to the hysterics witnessed at certain churches operating outside the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church who do not appear able to differentiate between medical conditions and demonic possession.
The following are selected paragraphs pertaining to the instruction of the exorcist as indicated in the Old Rite — Rituali Romano — Rules of Exorcism:
(RULE 1): The priest who with the particular and explicit permission of his bishop is about to exorcise those tormented by Evil Spirit, must have the necessary piety, prudence and personal integrity. He should perform this most heroic work humbly and courageously, not relying on his own strength, but on the power of God; and he must have no greed for material benefit. Besides, he should be of mature age and be respected as a virtuous person.
(RULE 5): Let the exorcist note for himself the tricks and deceits which evil spirits use in order to lead him astray. For they are accustomed to answering falsely. They manifest themselves only under pressure — in the hope that the exorcist will get tired and desist from pressuring them. Or they make it appear that the subject of exorcism is not possessed at all.
(RULE 6): Sometimes, an evil spirit betrays its presence, and then goes into hiding. It appears to have left the body of the possessed free from all molestation, so that the possessed thinks he is completely rid of it. But the exorcist should not, for all that, desist until he sees the signs of liberation.
(RULE 10): The exorcist must remember, therefore, that Our Lord said there is a species of Evil Spirit which cannot be expelled except by prayer and fasting. Let him make sure that he and others follow the example of the Holy Fathers and make use of these two principal means of obtaining divine help and of repelling the evil spirit.
(RULE 20): During exorcism, the exorcist should use the words of the Bible rather than his own or somebody else's. Also, he should command the evil spirit to state whether it is kept within the possessed because of some magical spell or sorcerer's symbol or some occult documents. For the exorcism to succeed, the possessed must surrender them. If he has swallowed something like that, he will vomit it up. If it is outside his body in some place or other, the evil spirit must tell the exorcist where it is. When the exorcist finds it, he must burn it.
In order for Satan to be driven out of the possessed, the exorcist must be humble. He must rely on God and only God for his answers and direction. Sometimes God forces the demon inside the possessed to reveal truths. However, the exorcist must be careful not to believe all that the demon possessing the victim might say. The demon will reveal exactly what the exorcist wants to hear even though it is not the truth, in order to side track him. The exorcist, out of his own curiosity, should not ask questions to the possessed regarding matters other than the exorcism at hand. Only through much prayer, fasting and humility of the exorcist along with the willingness of the victim, and of course, the grace and Will of God, can the possessed be freed of this affliction.

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